
Are You Sitting Down? Good, Cause I Got Videos...

Better late than never....

This quote basically sums up my entire existence.  Anywho, waiting exactly 4 months and 8 days isn't that long...Right?

And the sad part is that I actually uploaded these right around Christmas, but never got around to announcing it.

I'm a terrible person, I know.

    So, enjoy these videos, filmed in like, November, and when you laugh about my awkwardness, remember that I would never be like that, I'm older now. ;)

Video #1


Video #2

Okay, so there is a video #3, but of course neither Youtube or Blogger will upload it for some really wacky reason.  So video #3 is missing.  Sorry. =/

Video #4

Video #5

And there ya go.  Enjoy peeps.


ps.  Thank you all for your sweet comments on my Life post.  I read all of them and each one warmed my heart.  Seriously, you guys make my day.

pps.  Can you pray for me?  I had a job interview this past week and am still waiting for an answer, possibly until Wednesday or Thursday.  I just need wisdom in some decisions about life.  (Deciding what to do with your life is hard, dudes!)


  1. AWESOME VIDEOS!!!! =D =D When I watched them it was actually the first time I had seen you in any other form then pictures! =O I guess thats different now though..... ;D
    LOVE YA!!!

  2. Jess!! You are so lovely and adorable!! It's so nice to have a voice with the face. ;)

  3. Thanks for the videos, Jessica!!!! I was really laughing when Julia said her pet peeve was walking into a spider web and not knowing where the spider went. XD

    Letters to Juliet is a fantastic movie! I really like it. :)


    P.S. Sorry about the above comment! :/


Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think! I love comments; they always make my day, and they are what makes blogging worthwhile! =)