How are all you lovelies doing today?
I'm soo sorry I haven't posted this past week! I have a full list of excuses for my absence, but instead of all that I'm just going to get going with me post. ;) {And just as a note, if there are "A"s missing in some of my writing, I'm sorry, my a key is sticking. =P I had to stomp extra hard just to get this sentence out lol}
Tuesday was my dad's birthday! He doesn't like getting a lot of gifts, so we just got him a couple small things. We got him a tee shirt that said, "It's Not Broken, It Just Needs Duct Tape." And a homemade tee-shirt that my siblings and I decorated for him with paint. =) We also got him a movie. We headed out Tuesday afternoon to pick up a cake. Zeesh, let me tell you, cakes are expensive these days! I couldn't believe it!
Anywho, my dad turned *whispers* 52, so Julia and I decided to put 52 candles on his cake. Well, when he got home, we started lighting them so that when he came in he would see the cake all lit up. Well, just in case you had never tried to light 52 candles on a birthday cake without simultaneously burning the house down; it's quite a task. It's hard to start them all without burning your hand reaching over the ones you already started, plus we only had matches, so they burn up quickly anyway. So, as we are lighting candles all around this cake some plastic fake balloons stuck in the center of the cake started to literally melt and then caught on fire. As I tried not to burn myself and put the balloons of fire into the sink, some of the candles we had put on decided to now make it known that they were sparkly, and thus started shooting sparks of fire everywhere. Which was about the time that I realized that we had conveniently hung paper streamers over the table, where these sparks where flying from. My dad walked in to a surprise alright...The fire alarm going off. Long story short, we ended up flapping blankets around, and the cake ended up on the back porch. It was alright, of course. Some of the candles had completely burned into the cake, but we got them all put out and I only had to scrap off a little frosting off the top...
They put way too much frosting on those things anyway.
*After the Fire incident* My mom got the camera out to take a picture of my dad, but he suddenly left the room. So I jumped in. So here is a picture of my in front of someone else's birthday cake....Yup. |
Besides that, we had some chicks born this week! They are the most adorable things ever! There are 14 of them total! That is a lot of chicks! The mother hen was sitting on 18 eggs total, but one chick didn't make it; 2 weren't even fertilized, and then one had died before it was fully formed. You probably didn't need to know that....But, anyways.
I don't know if you knew this, but up to over 24 hours before chicks in the egg hatch, you can hear them pecking and cheeping! It's so cute. So the other day Julia and I went out and took some pictures of them. I don't know which ones she took, and which ones I took, but we can assume that she took all the good ones. ;) Also, these are a couple days old; so there as some egg pictures, even though there aren't any eggs anymore. =)
You can see the beak! |
Secret Mom-Hen and Baby-Chick meeting. ;) |
We have two that look like this; we call them the Penguins because they look like baby...well, penguins. ;) |
There is so many!!! |
Hard at work pecking and cheeping to get out! |
This one JUST broke out of it's shell. It was still attached by some gunk to the shell, actually. He is all nice and fluffy by now. =) |
The chicks literally climbed and burrow everywhere in the mom. And they can pop out in random places! LOL =) Isn't she precious? |
As an added note, you cannot tell if a chicken is male or female until it either starts laying eggs, or crowing. Really!
Well, I hope you enjoyed this post! I promise I'm going to try and be more consistent with these posts! Also, I'm up to 35 followers! I can't believe it! You guys are awesome! =D And thank you for all the sweet comments, I love them so much. =)
My Jessica is AWESOME!!!
ReplyDeleteBetter than birthday cake and better than baby chickens. I love her with all my heart. Dad
Awwh, this was the sweetest comment ever! I love you Dad! =D <3
DeleteWow, you have been busy! Those chicks are so cute!! I love the secret mom hen and baby chick meeting photo! Hehe. :-)
I have been! Haha, I'm glad you like that picture, I do too! =D <3
DeleteAwww those chicks are soooo adorable! :)
ReplyDeleteHave an amazing weekend!!
Aren't they?? Babies are always the cutest! =) Thank you so much, Lauren. Likewise. =)
DeleteHaha its funny what happened with your dad's cake..and your chicks are soo cute!! =)
ReplyDeleteHaha, I'm glad someone found it funny, ;) Thank you! They are so fluffy!! =)
DeleteAhh, you and Julia always make me laugh.=D I've set off the smoke alarm for a lot of things but never lighting a cake, though I could see how easily that could happen. Anyway, I'm glad you saved the cake! =D Those are adorable chicks! We haven't had any chicks for at least a year. =( Great post Jessica, I love the picture of you with the cake, how do you manage to always look so gorgous?
ReplyDeleteHaha! I'm glad! I had never set a cake smoke alarm off either, but there is always a first, right? Aww, we could send you some ;D Aw, thank you. Opmh, please. I almost didn't post it because I'm like, in this really weird, snarly awkward position, but oh well. I'm glad you liked it ;)
DeleteRight, lets hope my first time doesn't come when I'm bakeing a cake for my brother next month. ;) I wish I could come up and see them, silly matter of money. =P Its not so much the postion your in (Which is fine by the way) but you just look adorable. =) I'm still wondering how you managed to get such gorgeous hair. =/
DeleteHaha, well, I'm sure you'll be okay. It's not like you and I do all the same things. ;) Haha, as for my hair, for about a year I had to deal with my hair being super annoying and having to wear all these big clips for it grow out for side bangs. I'm finally to the actual hair I wanted. =P ;) Thanks, by the way. =D You're beautiful. <3
DeleteNo, we never do the same things. Like the car keys=brush thing, that never happened. ;D Yea, growing out bangs is really anoying, thankfully I haven't had to do it in about seven years. =)
DeleteHaha, I know, we are polar opposites! ;D Haha Oh good, it is pretty annoying. =P
DeleteYea, polar opposites. I'm south and your point one degree north of south. ;D
DeleteHAHAHA!! =D =D
DeleteI am in hysterics over the birthday story right now. Thanks for putting a huge smile on my face. You can't possibly get through life without a sense of humor.
ReplyDeleteSomething embarrassing happened to me today. So embarrassing. So so embarrassing.
My dad took my brothers and I out to lunch this afternoon. My brothers are 15 (my twinny!), 17, 19, and 20. We came back home to find our puppy ha gotten into my backpack. In the "personal zipper I keep personal feminine hygiene things" part. She spread lots of things all over the living room. Oh my word I was so humiliated. My brothers were just like "um, let's leave the room!" (Of course the dog had a tampon in her mouth.) I quickly cleaned everything up and went to my room to ponder what just happened. Of course my brothers felt every bit as awkward. Ryan (he's 19) came up a few minutes later and said, "hey sweetheart, do you want to go to the car wash with me?" And my twin called me hun. And my eldest brother have me a hug. That's not like them. They usually hate me (not literally). It was so awkward. I still can't believe that actually happened. I hate my dog so much. Ok just kidding I love her, just not what she does sometimes.
Oh, I'm am so sorry!! Oh, goodness, that is terrible! I had something kinda similar happen, although it was more awkward then embarrassing. A couple of months ago my little brother's best friend hurt his ankle somehow, so he couldn't do much. (He was either 10-11) well, I was sitting with him trying to keep him entertained. Well, as I was looking through my purse for some pens and paper for tic-tac-to, he, out of boredom, was digging through his sister's purse. And guess which secret pocket he found? So I look over and he has pads and a tampon unwrapped and he is like, "What is this thing?" And I starting flipping out, and I was like, "Oh, um, here, let me, um, take THAT." And he was still like, "So what is that?" Haha. Anyway, just so you know, I didn't tell him. ;) I told his sister later and she was like, "Oh, dear, okay, that's embarrassing." lol So anyway, that's my story. Haha Still, I feel very sorry for you, and as a fellow girl, you now deserve an award. The end. ;)
DeleteJessica we do deserve awards! I am the eldest and I am 14. I have three little sisters and two little brothers all adopted from China, ranging from age 23 months to 5 and a half. Never a dull moment. Last week, Josh, Olivia, and Sophie went into my bathroom and decided to explore my drawers. I walked in to find about 25 pads stuck to the wall. They were laughing and I flipped out and yelled a little (it's justifiable, right?). My dad came up to see what all the commotion was about. I literally had to close the door (with the babies still in with me) and rip everything off the wall into the trash. Sophie said, "Daddy we were just playing with stickers!". I went along with that and said that they put a sticker on my wall and I overreacted. Lol if only.
DeleteDo you have Instagram?
I'm enjoying this thread of embarrassing period stories. My Turn.
DeleteMy older sister and I have the exact same Vera Bradley purse. Anna, her husband Ben (they got married in July), and I went out to lunch last week. She had something she wanted to show me in her purse. The same compartment I keep tampons and pads in my purse. She said, "Ben, can you bring me something? It's in the outside zipper of my purse right on top. I really need it."
He was like, "Umm are you sure?". She insisted, and he kept saying he wasn't sure.
Yep. He had my purse instead of Anna's. He came along, tampon in hand.
Anna pretended she gave the wrong instructions, but it was pretty embarrassing. Gotta have that sense of humor to get through life.
Oh, my dear!!! These are terrible! I mean, they are funny now, but oh...... haha With periods comes awkwardness! I suppose I should share another.... This was months and months ago, but I had wore a white skirt to church. Uh-no, bad idea. We went to the library and it was there that I discovered that I had started; and it had leaked through my skirt. Awkward enough, but as we were leaving, we bumped into none other than my crush and his family. Yeah. So I was standing there, with my skirt folded over in a wierd, awkward manner while our moms are chit-chatting. Haha. Anyway, that was the last time I wore that skirt =P lol
DeleteOh, that makes me so happy! Haha! I love laughing like that, so I was hoping someone would! =D Haha! Wow, I read this right before you commented; I'm already following! Thank you so much, though, I should do a post about it! =)
ReplyDeleteIt's so fluffy I'm gonna die! *LOVE!*
ReplyDeleteHaha, aren't they???!!! =D