
Tacit Tuesdays! Yah!! (18)

Hey Besties!

   Tacit Tuesdays is finally back!  Whoo-hoo!  Haha.  These are pictures from Pinterest, but the next one should be pictures that I took.  I hope these put a smile on your face. =)



  1. This totally put a smile on my face! Creepy how relatable these things are! I've definitely wondered about the first. It'd be interesting. I'd want to press all my buttons just to see what I'd say/do.

    1. Aw, I'm glad! I know, right? I'm like, "Wow, that is me...me...me!" Haha. I never thought of trying to irritate myself! lol I always just wanted to see if I'm annoying, or something. ;)

  2. Wow! Almost all of these relate to me! I love your Tactic Tuesdays, Jessica!
    In Christ,

    1. Aw, thanks, Sarah! I love everything on your blog, too. =) <3


  3. Tact Tuesday really applies to every day but Tuesday doesn't it Jessica? =D Your post made me smile. =D

  4. Hahahahhaaa!! I love these!! Okay, yes I have wanted to see myself from someone else's point of view.. Hehe! I do that all the time! The second or third, or fourth time around you usually find something to eat! ;) I count the time too.. These are so like me.. Hahahha! I never thought about that before, buying trash bags so you can just throw them away!! Heehe,. :) Yeah, the toenail polish takes FOREVER to go away! Its best to have them not go with a holiday.. You could do them for St. Patrick's day and have them until you wipe them off on Fourth of July!! ;) I guess we wash our hands a lot more. :) It doesn't last as long when we have our pool up though! :) I'm glad that Tacit Tuesdays are back!! How are you feeling now? I still have a stuffy nose! :P
    Love in Christ,

    1. I love long comments! =) And for me, painting my nails is to much work. =P lol I am feeling MUCH better today. I think I am actually "well!" (Haha) I hope your stuffy nose goes anyway! =) <3

      Sisters in Christ,

  5. Hi Jessica!
    I nominated you for the Sunshine award again! :) You can just answer my questions in a comment if you want. :)
    In Jesus' name,
    Sarah Margaret

    1. It sounds like I will be doing some award post soon! ;) Thank you so much for nominating me! =D <3

      ps. I didn't know your middle name was Margaret! That is so pretty! =)

    2. Hehe! Yeah! :) Your welcome! Its fun reading other peoples posts! :) Thank you! I like it too, though it is a little long, but I think it makes 'Sarah' look more finished. :) I'm glad that you like it, you are so sweet! :) ♥
      In Jesus' name,
      Sarah Margaret♥

    3. I enjoy reading other people blogs about as much as writing my own posts! =D It is a tad long, but it is beautiful. And it does have a finishing touch. =) <3

      ~Jessica Joy

  6. I love these- I know they were made to be related to, but it still feels like they fit me perfectly! Haha


    1. I'm glad you like them! Haha! It is good to know that we aren't the only ones with these "problems." ;)


  7. =D LOL!!! I love this post!! Totally awesome! (just like the blogger! ;) ) <3 ((hugs))

    1. I'm glad!! AWW! =D <3 Just like the readers! ;) <3 ((hugs hugs))

      ps. We need to chat/call! It's been too long!!!! <3

    2. Yes we do!! (or we really won't be able to stay quiet at camp; too much catching up to do!!) ;)

    3. Haha! Us, talking? NO! ;D We would NEVER do something like that! ;) (The Chatterbox Story? *hint hint* ;D ) <3

    4. IKR!!! But, now that I think about it.. we don't normally get in trouble for talking at camp... (just at OCC) lol ;) =D

    5. Nah...We are good girls. ;) Haha! Man, has your dad let us forget about that yet? hehe

    6. Could I be incredible rube by bursting in and asking what OCC is and what it is that Rachel's dad won't let ya'll live down? =D

    7. Mikayla, OCC stands for Operation Christmas Child which is a part of Samaritan's Purse which Franklin Graham is the president. In case you haven't heard of any of those, in OCC, we use shoe boxes (or boxes that are a similar size) and pack school supplies, toys, clothes, etc, into them for children who would otherwise not have anything. They often don't have even clean drinking water.
      Okay, that was a long explanation. Sorry!
      While we were in Charlotte, helping out a processing center for OCC, for the last hour of our shift, we were able to sit down and all that we were doing was packing candy bags for the shoeboxes (we had been standing for a while doing other things). So since we hadn't seen each other in while, we starting talking, a lot (while packing of course). (what else were we supposed to do? ;) ) And so, when we left, my dad told me, "You call your sister a chatterbox, but YOU are the chatterbox, you and Jessica were talking up a storm." And that was NOT the last time he has brought it up... So that is the explanation of the whole story. (If you actually read through the whole thing, *applause* I didn't mean to make it so long! =D

    8. Jessica, he actually hasn't mentioned it in a while, (but it was brought up while I was in India..) but I still am on guard about it. ;) =D

    9. That explanation was beautiful, Rachel. ;) Haha, yes, keep our guard up we shall. LOL, Mikayla, I'm glad you burst it. An inside joke is funner the more people you have. =)

    10. I like long story's, don't worry. =) Thanks for sharing! =D You do relize Jessica once you share it, its no longer an "Inside" joke. =D Thanks for telling me ya'll!

  8. I can so relate to this post !!!!! :):):) I nominated you for the Sunflower award, head over to my blog and check it out when you get a chance!

    1. I know! It is actually kind of weird... ;) Aw, thanks! Awards posts, here I come! =D



Feel free to leave a comment and tell me what you think! I love comments; they always make my day, and they are what makes blogging worthwhile! =)